
The Comet bars for a stunt scooter is lightweight, durable, technologically advanced, designed for extreme conditions and stunt performance.

The Comet bars is represented by models of various sizes, with a steering wheel height from 630 mm to 730 mm, for different rider height, with a width from 580 mm to 610 mm, an outer diameter from 31.8 to 34.9 mm.

The handlebars differ in a different backswip of 8°, 5° and 3° degrees (the handles tilt backwards), there is a model without a backswip.

The handlebars are made of heat-treated durable steel 35 hgsa. A special feature of one model is the titanium version. In addition, the steering wheels have very beautiful graphics and colors.

On our online store website, you can choose and buy a Comet bars for stunt scooters, as well as order parts for an upgrade by arranging delivery in Moscow or to any region of the Russian Federation.